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Indoor Archery Begins January

The Open Indoor Archery sessions will commence in January on Monday evenings at 6pm. Our Winter League is scheduled to begin on January 8th and will run for a span of 8 weeks. During these sessions, participants will engage in shooting activities featuring a combination of 3-spot, 5-spot, and potentially 3D targets. To determine the handicaps, the first two scores will be taken into account (with participants competing for bragging rights). Each night of participation is priced at $5.00.

Compound and recurves and welcome and drop in shooters are always welcome.

Archery Abroad Tournaments

When it comes to Archery Abroad Online Tournaments, get ready for an incredible experience! Join us one Monday a month for an action-packed online tournament where we will capture all the excitement and also have an open shoot.

We offer classes for every setup, whether you prefer Hunter or Open.

To find out more about this thrilling online shoot, visit ARCHERY ABROAD LLC on Facebook.

Prepare yourself for the ultimate challenge as you aim 18 arrows at a Vegas face, with a maximum score of 180 plus x count. Remember, pre-registration is required, so don't miss out!

And guess what? We have amazing payouts waiting for you! The cost for this tournament is just $30, which includes a $25 entry fee and a $5 club fee.

Contact Archery

Bellevue Wearables

Show your support for the club with Bellevue Wearables - high-quality merchandise that makes a statement.